Art Fest [ VANITY FAIR ] has got a great response and the event was successful. Congrats! to all the organizers and coordinators towards its success and thanks to all the participants and the visitors for making the event successful. As we took the feedback on the event we came to know that no participants are willing to sell their products, we have organised this event for selling your talent and we are not forcing you guys to sell them but what we say is it will be good if you sell the product so that you may get the reputation. For the next time we will try to arrange a online marketing system for selling your products. Anyway thanks again for making it success.
A small announcement for all the participants, We are really sorry to say that we cannot provide soft-copies of your certificates this time. The reason why we cannot do that now is the data we entered will registering has some error and some guys didn't provide their college name too. so we request all the participants to collect the hard copies @ 316 KSRM Main Block from Today. So for troublinng you, we promise that this will not be repeated in any of fore-coming events.
Your short Films will be uploaded into the YouTube Shortly.